Tree Preservation Orders in Oxford & Surrounding Areas
Tree Preservation Orders are made by a local authority in order to protect trees which make a significant impact on their local surroundings. All species of trees can be protected but not hedges, bushes or shrubs. Tree Preservation Orders can protect trees of any age and can protect a single tree to whole woodlands. Tree owners still remain responsible for the maintenance of their trees and any damage that they may cause.
The effect of Tree Preservation Orders is to protect trees and the order prohibits the felling or pruning of trees without the written consent from the local authority. If a protected tree is cut down without consent anyone found liable could be fined up to £20,000 in a magistrates court.
- A tree preservation order can apply to any type or variety of tree
- Tree preservation orders are made by the local authority
Advice on new Tree Preservation Orders
Under the Town & Country Planning Act 1990, a Council has the power to protect trees in the interests of amenity by making Tree Preservation Orders. A new Order is made by serving a notice on all affected persons whereby tree owners and any interested parties may endorse or object to the order.
Sylva Consultancy is able to provide advice in regard to new and existing tree preservation orders. As a tree consultant firm in Oxford we aim to give you the best independent advice.
Submissions of applications in regard to works on trees subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPO’s).
From the 1st October 2008 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2008 (the Regulations) make the use of a standard application form, mandatory for all applications to prune or fell trees which are protected by a TPO. An important element of the new procedures is the requirement to provide specific information in support of applications for work relating to trees which is required because of their condition or the damage they are causing to property.
Sylva Consultancy is able to submit applications for works on behalf of their clients and where appropriate write reports in support of the application.
The 2008 Regulations also introduce, a new fast-track appeal system and Inspectors will only be able to consider the information provided with the original application; there will be no written representations procedure available, however the appellant can still request for the appeal to heard as an Informal Hearing or Public Inquiry. Sylva Consultancy is able to provide advice in regard to appeals and represent clients at Appeal.

Tree Reports

Tree Preservation Orders

Conservation Areas

Development Site Consultancy

Management & Insurance Reports

Public Inquiries/Informal Hearings
Trees contribute significantly to our environment and provide a variety of benefits to our well being, however it is recommended that the health, condition and safety of trees are checked on a regular basis. Sylva’s tree consultant can advise you on all arboricultural queries. Sylva Consultancy promotes best practice and are able to undertake a variety of tree survey reports in relation to health & safety matters. We are also able to satisfy mortgage and insurance suppliers in regard to the risk that nearby trees may present, when buying, re-mortgaging, or re-insuring a house. Advice concerning tree preservation orders is also available.
Contact Us
Please contact Sylva’s tree consultant in Oxford for further information. email or call on 01865 872 945.