Development Site Consultancy & BS5837:2012
Trees can greatly influence the planning and use of a site and are a material consideration in the planning system. There are many considerations to be taken in to account when building near trees. Since the introduction of the Planning Portal (‘1APP’) it is now a requirement to submit a Tree Survey with all planning applications that may affect trees. It is well documented that trees can greatly enhance a site providing a sense of maturity to schemes, increasing housing values and providing a pleasant environment to live in. However it is also recognised that inappropriate tree retention is undesirable as this may result in excessive pressure on the trees during the development work and subsequent demands for removal. Sylva Consultancy is able to provide the following services for trees in relation to development sites and have full CAD capability.
Tree Surveys in accordance with BS5837:2012
A tree survey in accordance with British Standard 5837:2012 ‘Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations’ will objectively evaluate the current tree stock prior to any final layout design. The tree survey will identify the importance of the trees present, and along with the Tree Constraints Plan will identify the influence that trees may have on a site. Our tree surveys are able to give guidance concerning the recommendations of the BS5837:2012 report titled “Trees in relation design, demolition and construction – Recommendations”. The BS5837:2012 provides guidance on the protection of trees during construction work. These guidelines are able to help you form judgements that bear in mind all the arboricultural considerations when undertaking construction work.
Tree Constraints Plans (TCP)
The Tree Constraints Plan is produced from the Tree Survey and will illustrate the root protection areas required for each tree and the above ground constraints of a trees canopy. The affects of shading created by each tree and the potential future growths can also be illustrated. The tree constraints plan will assist with the final layout design as it also highlights which trees are suitable for retention and which trees that should not be regarded as a constraint.
Aboricultural Implication Assessments (AIS)
The Arboricultural Implication Assessment recognises the competing needs of a development. Certain trees are considered of such importance and sensitivity that they may substantially modify a design or layout. However care should be taken to avoid unnecessary retention of trees. The AIS will aid to highlight potential conflicts and how these may be overcome for example by the use of alternative design techniques. The AIS document will provide reasoned explanation for tree retention and for tree losses in support of the proposed development.
Aboricultural Method Statements (AMS)
The Aboricultural Method Statement will provide a site specific statement on how the retained trees will be protected during the course of the development. The document will include a Tree Protection Plan illustrating tree fence and ground protection measures that would be required during the development. Where required the Arboricultural Method Statement will also provide specific arboricultural detail illustrating how the development will be implemented without causing adverse affects to the retained trees.
Tree Protection Plan
The Tree Protection Plan will illustrate fence and ground protection measures. In addition to the proposed tree removal, site compounds, material storage and contractor parking can be annotated on the plan if this is required.
On site supervision during development
This service provides on site arboricultural supervision when required during key stages of a development which are highlighted in the Aboricultural Method Statement. On site supervision will ensure that the details specified with the Arboricultural Method Statement are carried out in accordance with the statement.
Planning Appeal Statements
Sylva Consultancy is able to provide Proofs of Evidence and Statements in support of appeals in relation to development for Public inquiries and Informal Hearings. In addition Sylva Consultancy is able to provide expert witnesses to appear at an Inquiry on behalf of the developer.
Pre-Purchase Tree Reports
Pre-purchase reports can be undertaken in relation to trees and other landscape features on a site which can aid decision making prior to purchasing land for development. The report will highlight features that could both enhance and constrain a site and in addition the report will identify whether any trees are subject to Tree Preservation Orders or any other statutory protection.

Tree Reports

Tree Preservation Orders

Conservation Areas

Development Site Consultancy

Management & Insurance Reports

Public Inquiries/Informal Hearings
Trees contribute significantly to our environment and provide a variety of benefits to our well being, however it is recommended that the health, condition and safety of trees are checked on a regular basis. Sylva’s tree consultant can advise you on all arboricultural queries. Sylva Consultancy promotes best practice and are able to undertake a variety of tree survey reports in relation to health & safety matters. We are also able to satisfy mortgage and insurance suppliers in regard to the risk that nearby trees may present, when buying, re-mortgaging, or re-insuring a house. Advice concerning tree preservation orders is also available.
Contact Us
Please contact Sylva’s tree consultant in Oxford for further information. email or call on 01865 872 945.